Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions about the North Devon House of Prayer. We have done our best to answer them, if you have any further questions please email
1. What is a House of Prayer?
A – Please see the about page for history of House’s of Prayer and a little more information about us
2. Are you connected to the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas city, USA?
A – No. We were not ‘planted’ out of ihop, we have never at any time received any funding or support from IHOP. You can read a little of our history and how the House of Prayer started on the ABOUT US page. We love to see any ministry or movement worshiping and loving Jesus, making disciples and encouraging prayer. We are encouraged and blessed by what the International House of Prayer are doing to serve God, like many other ministries but we do not have any affiliation with them.
3. What about Finance? How are you funded?
A – The House of Prayer is an independent charity. It exists solely on the generous donations of individuals and from time to time some ministries and churches. None of the “NDHOP Staff” take any money from the ministry at all, they all live by faith and are self funded through “Stewardship”. All the money that comes in the House of Prayer is ‘tithed’ and given away to other missions and ministries. God has been very faithful to provide our needs. If you would like to partner with North Devon House of Prayer you can give regular or one-off donation on
If you would like to support any of the NDHOP staff as individuals please email for their Stewardship details.