Day 4 Exeter to Bridgewater.

Bit of a strange day to start. Took me a while to get up the courage to put my wet socks back on !! I just had in my head that today wasn’t as far (not true)

Today’s details

I left the B and B and headed to a couple of locations to pray. Had a great conversation with an American couple from Virginia and then rolled out of town. Well actually climbed the biggest hill in Exeter (probably)

During this time I became aware that my phone had stopped working and was giving me no data.. I got to Stoke Cannon and chatted to a guy on the Street sweeping up. I politely explained my predicament and he invited me to his home to use the WiFi. I had a lovely chat with him and his wife. Sorted my tech issues and then rolled on towards Tiverton.

Peacock at Bickleigh

What I did notice, eventhough the wind wasn’t particularly favorable, was that due to it being flatter across the Somerset levels I started to make significantly quicker progress!

Once I’d got to Tiverton I got up to the canal view point and prayed for awakening over the town. I then met Ross, a very big, very hungry Shire horse still used for pulling the narrowboat along the tiverton canal for day trippers.

Meet Ross

I then proceeded in a northerly direction along the tow path for some 10 was a bit rough in places but the new Armadillo tyres I put on were brilliant !

I cleared the tiverton canal and was back into lanes following the national cycle route 3. Again stopping at a couple of churches and calling forth alignment and particularly awakening! I stopped in one church that I came to from the south and realised I’d prayed in it before with my team while on a prayer walking assignment. I explained to the church warden what I was doing and then offered to pray. She gingerly agreed, her non verbal communication seemed to indicate she was just being polite so I took the slightly awkward opportunity non-the-less. Bid farewell and continued towards Taunton.

I had arranged some wheeks before to stay with friends Sim and Emma (plus kids) at their home in Bridgewater. What a blessing it was as he found me on the tracker and cake out to meet me.

Another good day legs v tired!

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