Day 15 (18th June)  Bardney nr Lincoln to Sutton Bridge.

Lincoln Cathedral

We left the house as a family at 7.15am (ish) to drive to Tiverton Parkway (our closest mainline station) for an 8.40am train. Due to me heading for the east coast via London I had 4 changes and some very close layovers!

I arrived in Lincoln 3.30pm and had arranged to see my old expedition leaders from 28 years ago! Was great to see them again and reflect and share stories about then and what’s happened since. Graham (on right worked for ordanance Survey while Dave was a mountain leader working in Antarctica for British Antarctic Survey. Both understated yet glad to have reconnected

Jim, Dave and Graham

I was then collected from Nettleham by my hosts Pete and Kath Atkins reguonal/national and Church Leaders. I got to meet some mutual friends Bob and Mary Hopkins (with many other mutual friends in Devon)

Breakfast today was leaders prayer followed by Bacon Sandwiches (what timing !!!) Then we had a time of fellowship, I prepped my bike and then i headed off south (of course) towards Boston and then long Sutton. 96.5km

Flat flat flat.. not tyres.. just countryside.. felt like I was riding back in Holland. Many pretty villages and back lanes.

On the way towards Boston I somehow broke a spoke which I got fixed in halfords but I was mainly Struck by the poverty and despair in Boston.. I prayed near the Church in the centre and then when riding out of town stopped at the New Life Church and they had a prayer meeting going on so they kindly allowed me to join them for a few minutes before I continued towards Norfolk.

Enroute I looked st the river Welland and saw s chap sitting in his car.. I felt an invitation from The Lord to ask him some questions and we soon were engaged in conversation about the bible and life jn general. Do pray for R. His work  relationship and destiny.

I stopped st Long Sutton for fish and chips and then crossed Sutton Bridge I understand into Norfolk.

My main thing the Lord kept saying during the day is that he wants to heal the sick in Lincolnshire ! (Do weigh)

I continued toward Kings Lynn and passed a house and felt to knock the door and ask to camp on a nearby field.. they gave me their garden followed by a cup of tea and a hot shower such a blessing!


  1. Buddy

    hi dad well done !!!!!!

    1. Jim Ware

      Thanks Buddy x

  2. James Dennis

    Well done Jim! Would love to be able to join up for day or two of cycling through Norfolk and/or Suffolk but sadly work commitments don’t allow. Enjoy the flatlands: as I say, Norfolk and Suffolk aren’t pan flat all the way but roll gently in places, particularly as you get further south. Absolutely nothing that will trouble you though! Being up here for the last decade has made me a bit ‘soft’, as I was reminded while I was re-discovering the brutal gradients of North Devon last week! Enjoy the ride. Praying for you.

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