Day 7 – Perth to Edinburgh

Slightly more relaxed start.. had rained overnight and started drying out as I started riding. Alistair kindly dropped me off at the garden centre I finished at yesterday.

Alistair and Sarah-Jane my hosts last night.

In all honesty leaving the Cairngorns yesterday, I thought things would get flatter.. I was wrong!!! Heading south over towards the Path of Condie was properly steep.. I cleared a few mountain passes which could have been walked up faster.. 

I continued South through villages to the Fourth road bridge and spent sometime praying for life and blessing over Scotland, its people and it’s resources.

I then continued on to Edinburgh to give myself a headstart for tomorrow. I then got on the train to Uphall and then rode to Broxburn.

Was invited out to a church prayer meeting ghat was such a blessing ! A good number of faithful believers really making history with their prayers..

I was invited to share for a few minutes then onto zoom for some more prayer with friends.

Fruitful day with big hills.



    Jim I take my hat off to you….the most strenuous thing I did yesterday was land some trout while I was fishing at a pals Loch…..just beyond Path of Condie and Kinross.

    1. Jim Ware

      Fly fishing in the sunshine sounds ideal.. shame I’d already left I love eating fresh trout !

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