I’d done several short overnight tours prior to this but never multiple days on the bike. I was somewhat apprehensive as to how my legs would fare and never mind one’s posteria! All were feeling good. The first days I’d had a bit of a knee strain and with prayer, essential oils and a good amount of perseverance that cleared up as my legs grew in strength.
Just to give acknowledgement to Mary (My wife) to enable me to undertake this prayer ride, she is home looking after 5 children solo. (Thank you honey!)

So today was different… I had a riding buddy! We returned back to where i’d finished the day before and then commenced day 5.

This was a special one for me. The backstory…About 7 or 8 years ago I was working as a Chaplain and I was directed to a chap living in Ilfracombe. He was off with Limes disease. I offered a home visit which he politely accepted yet wanted to refuse. I recall being in his lounge and gently offered to pray for him. He again politely accepted (mainly due to the fact I had already started praying and had my hand on his shoulder)
Well Jesus showed up and healed his Limes Disease. It was then a matter of months later, going through a tough season and he asked me over to come and help them out of a hole. This I gladly did, but, this time, he saw Jesus stood infront of him with eyes of fire. He choose to take God’s invitation and surrendered to Him.
Anyone can do religion and turn up at a building one day a week but it’s rather another matter when you put your life into the hands of the living God! The man I write about is now a good friend – Sim. He is a bit of a triathlete/iron man and very fit indeed so this morning it was my great honour to have him join me on the leg to Bristol via Cheddar Gorge ( no walking) As he’s so fit he basically paced me all the way and doubled my usual average speed !
We had a great divine appointment with six young people who had “miched off” school. Praying for them, hearing their story’s and speaking hope. They took copies of try praying and one girl acknowledged she had a faith in God and believed in miracles.

At lunchtime Sim had to get on the train and head home.i had spoken to a friends who live in Bristol but none were available so upon praying I headed through the city to George Mullers museum up at where he, with God, in faith, fed, clothed and housed thousands of orphans. It is estimated that had it happened today he would have raised over 100 million pounds through prayer – by way of the throne. The curator upon realising my story offered to get out Mr Mullers bible and I had the privilege of reading his bible with all his underlines and then spent some time in prayer with Lois the curator. It was a blessed time.

Thank you for all the kind messages chearing me on. They are appreciated!
Post the visit I made to the museum, I made my way across to the Severn Bridge to start my day tomorrow crossing the river severn to chepstow.

Jesus please come and touch this land again!