An easier day today. Stayed over with friends in Hastings last night and then met a leader from the House of Prayer and then cycled up the hill out of Hastings to see Brian and Ruth Mills. Brian has been mentoring/encouraging me for some years so was great to see then in person and trade stories!

Brian and Ruth
So after lunch and a time of prayer I headed into the lanes and off towards Pevensey.
There had been that much rain overnight that one of the ponies in the field had shrunk !! Crazy.

The good news.. it wasn’t raining and great weather to press on towards Eastbourne.
Upon arrival I met John and Yvonne Presdee we were tripping over each other with interconnected stories and mutual friends.
Just the 36km today and back to it tomorrow heading for Brighton.
GB Jim
James Dennis
So THAT’S how they make ponies! 🙂
Glad it’s going well. Enjoy Brighton. Are you going to cycle up Ditchling Beacon?
Jim Ware
Hi James no just heading West 🙂