Met my hosts last night Jez and Ally and was promptly handed warm banana bread just out the oven..
Today was a 9am start. Had a look around Folkstone and then continued on my ride West.. unfortunately the wind was coning from the west gusting 30-40mph so the first half of the day along the seafront seemed to take ages.. which it did!
I rode past an Aldi just between Folkstone and Rye and there was a chap being arrested for what appeared to be breach of the peace. He was clearly very agitated and not pleased to be arrested despite the officers best efforts. I took it that as this situation was happening in front of me that my role was not to gorp or stare but maybe to pray. I prayed as I felt directed, sensitively and from a distance, and within ten seconds he had stopped shouting and became complaint with the officers. Thank you Jesus!
I continued into the head-wind and

Eventually I made the decision to turn Inland as the coastal wind from the west was I deed making things hard going. I followed the komoot gps app and it suggested there was a road that turned out to be a retired road that got narrower and narrower with slows and blackberry’s in abundance. I eventually made it out the far end of the track and rejoined civilisation.
I stopped for a brew in Rye (lovely small town) and the was met with the hill of the day just before arriving in Hastings.
Overall a good but wet and windy day.. Hastings to Eastbourne tomorrow.
Thanks Jim
E and Silas
Great Job Dad!