After a relaxing start I knew I wanted to meet friends of friends near Barvas (in the area where the Lewis revival happened.) But was also aware Tarbert was a fair way South and today the wind had changed 180 degrees. So it would be right in my face. I yielded my day to God and invited Him to be Lord of my plans… He didn’t disappoint!
Had an amazing breakfast and then went to get my bike and get on the road. The slight issue was the building next door where we had put the bike appeared to no longer have keys so i had to wait for Angus to break-in tonhis own property to realease my bike. Once underway my satnav flipped out deciding to send me to the east of the town only to be told ‘go left’ which was unfortunately 10 miles of footpaths that were not suitable for my bike.
An hour later I was back at the front door of the hotel and tried again.. this time to the west and then North. Angus had mentioned there was a “big hill” he said for about half a mile then flat… I reckon I rode up the half a mile hill for 8km non-stop. Again what do you do when riding up a hill that steep and that long? Yes you try not to fall off as your so slow but yes you pray.. eventually the hill was over and I descended into the Bowglas plain. More beautiful lakes and mountains but the wind really was strong, the mountains acting like a funnel. It was hard work. .. All for Jesus.

I arrived in Stornaway at about 4.30pm and was collected by Willie Moffat a local believer with some very special testimonies for all The Lord had done in and through him. He took me to his home in Point where I met his wife Eileen and grabbed a bath.

I was due to meet Sandra Smith, late daughter of Douglas J Smith one of the leaders of the 1949 revival. It had got a bit late in the day for me to ride the further miles so we were due to zoom.
Once our the Bath I asked Willie how far it was to Barvas and he kindly offered to drive me. Thank you Lord. So we headed over, had a great time with Willie trading stories and then met Sandra at her home and had a lovely time of Prayer. We had several mutual friends and on exactly the same page theologically. At 11pm Willie drove me back across to his home in Point then bed. Jim