Slept so well! Like 10 hours straight well.. woke to employee’s parking on their work carpark near my ⛺️ but no hassles. I got packed up and started South but found a route that would have less traffic (the A9 and A99 are busy to and from Thurso and Wick) so opted to take that. It gave dropped me out above Helmsdale so I then joined the A9 but with weather so cold most of the tourists driving the NC500 were still in the South so it wasn’t too busy 樂.

It was cold but if you rode you were warm stopped and you froze so had to wear more clothes than ideal as couldn’t get clothes out quick enough if needed to stop.
Got down to Helmsdale in good time.. my expected destination so I pressed on to Brora.. while in Helmsdale I chatted to a fisherman and spent sometime praying about the oil and gas industry, the military and the fishing communities.

I visited the distillery in the hope of finding someone willing to help find a campsite nearby. The chap from the visitors centre was very knowledgeable and steered me to a very peaceful place with hit showers and a lovely ⛱️ beach.

Canosite is amazing. Great facilities. I was also able to share my story with the campsite manager and he was open and interested.
Tent was up.. gear sorted. Trued rear wheel. Hot shower.. now bed.
James Dennis
Looks nice but don’t envy you riding in those temperatures! Be blessed. Praying for you.