I woke this morning with legs that still had that warm exercise feeling ! I tried to get going a bit earlier with an early breakfast and then some research re route choice.

I was due to head back to Devon tomorrow ready for someone’s birthday on Thursday (Joshua) but, as I’d managed to make it to Windermere I thought I’d suprise the family and head back a day early.
This morning was dry riding through the Milnthorpe area was great. Just North of the town i was passing through a small village and saw a vicar (with dog collar) on the pavement. I stopped him, asked him who he was? and his role? Then introduced myself, explained what I was doing and offered to pray. He accepted and we prayed for His locality and a number of other things before we parted ways and I headed North towards The Lakes. All was still dry but the clouds were threatening rain.. when I crossed the main road towards barrow and the rain started and barely stopped.. it made it quite atmospheric with the hanging cloud between the trees en route to Windermere.
While riding into the lakes I was talking to the Lord about the UK and he gave me a glimpse of a picture. It was a person, and he was cut open and the surgeon was undertaking significant surgery on the heart. He was removing un-needed stents and other items that were put in incorrectly, some with incorrect motive!
Lord please complete heart surgery. Please heal our land release it from our sin! Isaiah 24

So I culminate phase 2 of my journey here in Windermere. As I write I’m heading back on the train to see family and get dry (my feet are still wet) the plan is to recommence in Windermere on the 13th June and continue pedaling, and praying my way North.
Thanks for all the Love and for those who have donated financially or sent prayers / prophetic words. Its very much appreciated. Much love Jim

John Lamb
It was great to meet you this morning, good luck with the rest of your ride