Had a leisurely start after staying over with an old lecturer from College and his wife (Lester and Gwen) Lester is a very accomplished musician and i’d picked up one of about 15 guitars and started to worship Lester joined me and accompanied me on his electro mandalin.
Had a grand tour of Stokesley and then, after a time of prayer set off towards sleights.

As I use a number of sat nav’ apps to work out route (with prayer) but not adequately account for gradient.. some of the hills over the north York moors are not as big as the Cairngorns but are certainly noteworthy! Thus I was late for an appointment with some leaders nr whitby but my connect with Steve Wetherall and Rob Parker was certainly appreciated and great to be able to add my prayers to the exciting things happening I their region.
At the tearooms we met at I was asked by the owner where I was going and why.. it would have been to not explain and offer to pray.. they were very open.. I also got to share faith with an old fisherman and pray for him also.
The evening sunshine and the promise of a good forecast lured me so I headed up onto the Moor or mu-er as they seem to call it round here! Some very steep hills out of sleights but eventually made the top (no walking) and headed out past Fylingdales dales the RaF listening station.

I had been keeping my eyes out for a bivi spot but everything was either to exposed or no wind and that meant midges.. a few miles further I found a spot with the most spectacular view (see below)

The end of a great day.