I have to admit it was a but further than I was inially planning. Particularly when my bottom bracket had failed and I needed to get it replaced in the bikeshop. This took longer than expected and so I didn’t get underway until 11.15am. I just decided to start rolling and all would become clear.
On my way through Manchester yesterday a friend called and offered to cover a hotel for me.. so bed and breakfast it was !

I took the national cycle route 6 North from Bury towards Clitheroe. The rain was relentless so stopped with three lads sheltering under a bridge for 10 minutes. Had a chat with them and gave them a trypraying booklet each. Then continued towards Ramsbottom. I didn’t see many people all day as it was just too wet to be out !!!
While looking for a coffee shop in Clitheroe I came across a travel agents that tickled me.. I do hope they pray for their clients …

I was soaked though until about 2pm when I arrived in Clitheroe. Holy Spirit had pointed me towards a couple of Prayer projects and i wasn’t disappointed. There had clearly been some clashes between light and darkness !! As it was still raining, I prayed and within 20 minutes no more rain until I stepped across the threshold of my hotel in Lancaster. Thank you God.

The area between Clitheroe and Lancaster is known as The Forest of Bowland. A very pretty area not to dis-similar to The Lake District but on a smaller scale. It is not really a forest but there were some big hills and I spent each hill praying for an awakening in the British Isles.
I arrived pretty late in Lancaster after I’d sheltered out of the rain for sometime earlier in the afternoon. Again I was glad of a bed, shower and opportunity to dry my clothes!