Day 10 Brewood to Stoke on Trent

I woke this morning knowing I had a shorter day in store.. (On paper anyway! ) So spent some time with Graham and Trish (Family friends/hosts) sharing stories and catching up. They live in the village I was brought up in.


It was nice to be back in the village and it felt quite an achievement having ridden there under my own steam! (No e-bike here).

When I’d finally stopped faffing and got my gear together I headed over to the Church in the village where my mother is buried and spent a few minutes visiting her grave.

Once I’d paid my respects I made my way back to my bike and there was an older lady cleaning her late husbands grave. We ex- changed pleasantries which led to a deeper conversation. She explained how lonely she was since his passing and that she couldn’t go to Church because of her past choices. I explained that according to the Bible in Romans 10:9 if we confess with our mouth and belive in our hearts that Jesus is Lord that’s the start of the journey. She said she believed that… I offered to pray with her, which she accepted, and she appeared to feel peace for the first time in a while. I gave her a trypraying book, exchanged numbers, bid her farewell and headed off in the direction of Penkridge.

Day 10

While I was getting ready this morning, I had, As I often do, surrendered my day to Jesus. Its one of my favorite prayers! I felt a leading to leave my planned route and head across to Great Haywood (near Cannock Chase) as I started in that direction I felt to call a friend (Dave) who had been trying to connect with me for a few weeks but we had been unsuccessful. He had been hoping to intersect with me on this ride. When I spoke with him and told him of my location he said he was sorry but didn’t have the car due to a family situation, so we’d have to leave it!

10 minutes later while visiting my sister i get a missed call.. daying we were back on. A friend of his, (Ian) just called and said he woke this morning and felt The Lord say “go to Cannock Chase.’ He then called Dave not knowing why !!! They travelled up from Coventry and we had a wonderful time praying at a particular landmark the Lord had highlighted.

Dave and Ian (Chas not available)

At about 3pm I headed North along the Trent and Mersey canal towards Stone and then onto Stoke on Trent. I got to pray with some new parents with a baby on the canal tow-path and offer them some encouragement.

Saw some cows having a paddle.. not something you see everyday!

Cow’s checking their reflection !

I continued into Stoke and prayed in the city and then climbed up the hill to Hanley and then cycled onto my hosts house. (Kev and Katie from Beacon HOP.) Coincidentally 🙂 Beacon House of Prayer Had 40 hours of Prayer on so I joined them praying for The Nations and Global issues we are all observing across the planet.

Another fruitful day. Thank you Jesus.

1 comment

  1. Ian Watkin

    Hi Jim,

    It truly was great to meet you with Dave on your journey yesterday. An amazing blessing and privilege to link up as a result of your submission and obedience. A God orchestrated day, which I will long remember.
    Onward and upward! Thanks be to God,


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